|Let Us Lash You by Ego Spa|
Minkys mission is to ensure the long term health and safety of the eyelash extension industry. They are committed to working with extensionists who have been certified through our hands-on workshops, and if they lack this vital experience, then we will provide them with the opportunity to do so. All of minkys lashes are unique, flexible, soft and long lasting. Minkys also carries the best products to keep up with your lash extensions which are explained in our youtube video below!
Trusting someone to apply lash extensions can be hard because we only trust if we have knowledge & information to back up the service. Well lucky for you, Ego Salon & Spa prides ourselves on KNOWLEDGE! Personally, if I can walk out of a service with something learned I automatically feel safer, in the best hands & get more excited to continue my services. Ego Salon & Spa is a Minkys brand spa in which we use Minkys products which you can see in the picture above, as well as use Minkys eyelashes for extensions and glue to provide our clients with safe products!
There are so many myths about eyelash extensions that surface the internet so I am here to help ease your mind when it comes to some of these myths and false accusations about eyelash extensions. We have numerous of different style lashes like classic which means one eyelash extension is applied to one natural lash. Next, we have volume lashes which are fans that are created by the lash artist….thats right…NO pre-made fans here! These fans consist of 2-4 lash extensions that are applied to one natural lash, this creates a more fuller eye! We have Siberian mink lashes which can be applied one to one like classic lashes, or can be applied with fans which create a natural wispy eye! Lastly, we have mega volume lashes…which are the most dense lashes that are applied for the fullest eye possible! All lash extensions are customizable and are created to fit your lifestyle as well as your dream lashes!
Myths about Eyelash Extensions
Q: Are lash mites real?
A: The answer is yes, lash mites are real WHEN YOU DO NOT CLEAN YOUR LASHES! We offer a special Lashampoo by Minkys that cleanses all lashes so no debris, dirt or oil is left on your lashes!
Q: Do they hurt when being applied?
A: NO WAY! The application is painless & harmless as we call each fill a “lash nap” Most people tend to take each fill to relax and sleep!
Q: Do my natural lashes get ruined after getting eyelash extensions?
A: NO, not if applied correctly! It is so important to be lashed by someone who is experienced & knows the proper care and time to attach each lash extension so none of your natural lashes get ruined! Natural lashes shed everyday, so any loss of lash extensions is normal with your natural lash cycle!
Q: Do I have to take breaks?
A: This is such a myth! As you go to a professional lash artist, they should tell you there is no need to take breaks from lash extensions because there are no damaging effects from lash extensions.