N. A method of exfoliation that consists of removing the first layer of dead skin, dirt, pollution, and peach fuzz to treat acne scars. The session aims to remove fine lines, wrinkles , as well as making the surface of the skin smooth…great for clients with textured skin! This service helps with cell renewal, produces collagen & tightens skin to make you look more youthful.
More Benefits:
Provides deeper product penetration
Instant results and no downtown
A smoother makeup application
Ego Dermaplaning session includes; a short cleanse of the skin, hot towel to open the pores up, serums in the beginning of the service and the end to complete your new glowy skin as well as a mask!
Who is eligible for a Dermaplaning session and who is not?
Anyone who struggles with cystic acne, open pimples, eczema, and or cold sores is someone who is not eligible for a Dermaplaning session. Our goal is to perfect your skin, not irritate it! Anyone who has severe dry skin, a lot of facial hair (peach fuzz), anyone struggling with aging of skin is someone who would benefit the most of this service.
How often is Dermaplaning performed?
Dermaplaning every 3-4 weeks, there service has the best outcome when your skin complete its normal rejuvenation cycle which is normally anywhere between 3-4 weeks depending on how fast your hair grows.
What to expect after a Dermaplaning session?
Sometimes after Dermaplaning, the skin will peel slightly because there was not enough time in between treatments- that is why it is important to let the hair growth cycle be completed which is normally again, every 3-4 weeks. Unlike shaving, there is no need to worry about the hair on your face getting darker or thicker because Dermaplaning focuses on vellus hair (peach fuzz). This treatment should never be done at home! Let our professional take care of your facial needs as she is certified to give you an effect treatment!